Companies are liable for the territorial economic contribution (CET), made up of the financial contribution of companies (CFE) and the contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE).
You must subscribe a declaration n ° 1447C with your business tax service (SIE), no later than December 31 of the year your business was created. This is an initial declaration, and you will not pay any CFE during your inception year. The first tax year, you will also benefit from a reduction in the tax base by half. Apart from this initial declaration, you will not have to complete any formality in the following years, as long as you do not modify your conditions of exercise.
This contribution is payable by companies whose turnover exceeds 152,500 €. If this is your case, you must send a statement so dematerialized No. 1330 at the latest 2 th business day following the 1 st May Depending on the case, you will have to pay this CVAE via two installments of 50% each, on June 15 and September 15 of the tax year. You will also file the statement of liquidation and regularization CAVE, 2 the business day following the 1 st May following the tax year.
What is the contribution on the added value of companies (CVAE)?
“Some taxpayers exercising their activity in the energy, rail transport and telecommunications sector must pay a specific tax, the flat-rate tax on network companies (IFER)”, specifies the Directorate General of Finance public (DGFiP). “The newly imposed institutions to IFER must file a declaration No. M-1447 SD, accompanied by Appendix corresponding to the component of the concerned IFER, no later than 2th business day after the 1st May of ‘taxation year.” Using the tax return calculator is important there.
Value added tax (VAT)
If your activity is commercial, industrial, craft or liberal and you carry out transactions subject to VAT, you will have to pay it back.
If you are in the real normal tax regime
You must declare each month by tele-transmission the taxable transactions of the previous month, with form CA3.
If you are on the simplified plan
You only have to transfer dematerialized, the statement CA12, no later than 2th business day following the 1st May It includes all the taxable transactions of your first year of activity. You will have to pay VAT deposits in July and December.
If you are on the simplified agricultural scheme
You only have to transfer dematerialized, the statement CA12A, no later than 2th business day following the 1st May It covers all the taxable transactions of your first year of activity. You will have to pay VAT installments quarterly.