How Are Cigarette Tubes Useful

Cigarette tubes are one of the easiest ways to make one’s own cigarettes. Cigarette tubes are pre-rolled cigarette paper usually with a paper filter or an acetate at the end. They have an appearance similar to a finished cigarette but are hollow, that is they have no smoking material or tobacco inside. The United States Tobacco Taxation Bureau delineates a cigarette tube as “Cigarette paper made into a hollow cylinder for use in making cigarettes.”

Cigarette Tubes come in a variety of types and sizes of filters, lengths and the products are designed for different strengths as well, including menthol. The length of cigarette tubes varies from what is known as King Size (84mm) to 100’s (100mm). Some of the most common types of top cigarette tubes are regular king, gold king and menthol king. A top regular king tube of length 84 millimetres has a 15-millimetre filter and a brown filter tip. The top gold king tube consists of a white filter tip. The top Menthol King tube has a mint flavour, which can be cooling and relaxing, adding a sweet touch to one’s cigarette-smoking experience.

Filling of a cigarette tube is usually done using a cigarette injector, which is also called a shooter. Cone shaped cigarette tubes are known as cones and they can be filled using a packing stick or straw due to their cone shape. As the cone cigarette burns, it tends to get stronger and stronger and hence cone smoking is more popular. A cone allows more tobacco to be burned at the beginning than the end, thus allowing an even flavour. For better quality and long life of a cigarette tube, the bottom needs to be heavy and thick enough so that the product doesn’t stick.

Cigarette tube is an economical choice to most of the smokers. Cigarettes can be quite pricey. Smokers often find that the cost can exceed hundreds and even thousands per month for quality products. Consumers looking for a reasonably priced alternative to standard cigarettes consider cigarette tubes for enjoying their favourite brand of tobacco at a fraction of the cost of a traditional pack. And moreover, a smoker can customize the cigarette by selecting their favourite filter and fillings according to their interest. Cigarette Tubes can be easily used with a variety of machines and injectors without sticking and tearing.

As for the consumers, selecting a known and reliable brand of cigarette tubes is important as it is better to purchase a good quality tube with a great warranty and a little price-up than spending huge in repairs and replacement. Often bigger brands spend considerate money in research and creating various designs. Customers can attest to their superiority as tubes are easy to use with one’s own choice of filler without any tear and slip and offer flawless flavour each time one takes a smoke break. Therefore as a whole, if you want an alternative to standard cigarettes, cigarette tubes are reliable for novices as well as for connoisseurs. They are of good quality and reasonable price as well.